Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One God Essay

Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) said: â€Å"If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray to the Father, and he shall send you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever† (John – 14:15, 16) It should be noted that some English bibles have the Greek word Paraclete instead of Comforter; but in Greek the word actually spells as PERIQLYTOS. Rev. David Benjamin Kaldani, B.D. Bishop of Urumiah Persia, the Greek classical scholar and Bible authority who converted to Islam, in his book â€Å"Muhammed in the Bible† has discussed the original Greek word, the actual word which Jesus (pbuh) might have used in his native tongue, Aramic (Dialect of Hebrew) regarding the word â€Å"Comforter†. Dr. Kaldani writes: It is to be noted again that the Greek Text has ‘Periqlytos’ instead of Paraclete. So, if we want to find out the real sense of the word, we must correct the text and supply the corrupted words thus â€Å"I shall go to the Father, and he shall send you another Apostle whose name shall be Periqyltos, that he may he remain with you forever.† One need not be a Greek scholar to know that the Greek word for Comforter is not Periqlytos but Paracloon. Periqlytos, chronologically and literally, means the most illustrious, renowned, and praise-worthy. I take for my authority Alexandre’s Dictionarie Grec-Francais – This compound noun is composed of the prefix ‘Peri’ and ‘Kleotis’ the latter derived from ‘to glorify’ ‘to praise’. Thus Periqlytos means precisely what ‘Ahmed’ means in Arabic namely ‘the most illustrious and glorious’ The only difficulty to be solved is to discover the original Semitic name used by Jesus Christ either in Hebrew or Aramaic. If I am not mistaken, the Aramaic form must have been ‘MHAMDA’ or ‘HAMIDA to correspond with the Arabic name ’MUHAMMED’ or ‘AHMAD’ and the Greek PERIQLYTOS. It is marvellous that this unique name, Periqlytos never before given to any other person, was miraculously preserved for MUHAMMAD, the last prophet or Apostle of God. We never come across any greek gentleman bearing the name of Periqlytos nor any Arab bearing the name MUHAMMAD or AHMAD before the advent of the Holy (God fearing) Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). In Islam religion, Jesus (peace be upon him) is believed as one of the greatest prophets and one of the greatest messengers of God to mankind. It is not believed in Islam that Jesus is God or son of God. In the Quran, there is a complete chapter (called Surah) titled ‘Maryam’ (Mary) that confirms Maryam virgin birth. The Quran states the following on the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him): (Remember) when the angels said, â€Å"O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God). He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous.† She said, â€Å"My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?† He said, â€Å"So (it will be). God creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, ‘Be!’ and it is.† (Quran, 3:45-47) Jesus was born as miracle by the word and command of God. This command is, as said in Quran, the same command that had brought Adam into being with neither a father nor a mother. God has said in Quran: The case of Jesus with God is like the case of Adam. He created him from dust, and then He said to him, â€Å"Be!† and he came into being. (Quran, 3/59) During the prophetic mission of Jesus (peace be upon him), Jesus performed many miracles. God tells us that Jesus said: â€Å"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you the shape of a bird out of clay, I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God’s permission. I heal the blind from birth and the leper. And I bring the dead to life by God’s permission. And I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses†¦.† (Quran, 3/49) Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. They believe that the enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) plotted and planned to crucify Jesus. However, God miraculously saved Jesus and raised him up to Him (to God). God, the all powerful and the all capable, put the likeness of Jesus (peace upon him) over another man. The enemies of Jesus (peace upon him) thought that the this other man is Jesus and they took him and crucified him. God has said: †¦They said, â€Å"We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.† They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)†¦ (Quran, 4/157) Quran says (meaning translation): â€Å"Jesus said I am indeed a servant of ALLAH (God). He (God) has given me Revelation and made me prophet and He (God) has made me blessed wheresoever I be and has enjoined on me Prayer and Zakat (Charity) as long as I live. He (God) made me kind to my mother (Mary). Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day I shall be that I shall be raised up to life again†¦ It is not befitting to the majesty of Allah (God) that he should beget a son. Glory be to him (God) when he determines a matter, He (God) only says to it â€Å"Be† and it is. Verily ALLAH (God) is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight† (Quran 19/30-36). Accordingly, in Islam religion, Jesus (peace upon him) is neither God nor son of God. He is human and God prophet. It is worthwhile to emphasize that both Jesus (peace upon him) and Mohamed, or may be spelled Muhammad (peace upon him), came to mankind to call for worshiping only and the only one God. Neither of them nor Moses came to change the basic doctrine of the belief in one and only God. this doctrine that was brought by earlier prophets from including Noah, Abraham, Isac, Jacob, David, Solomon, and others. Both Jesus (peace upon him) and Mohamed received the revelation from God to confirm and renew the doctrine of worshiping one (and only one) God.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reflections in Westminster Abbey, by Joseph Addison

William Thackeray said of Joseph Addison that he â€Å"deserved as much love and esteem as can be justly claimed by any of our infirm and erring race. † Thomas Macaulay described Addison's periodical essays as â€Å"perhaps the finest . . . in the English language. † And Samuel Johnson characterized Addison's prose as â€Å"the model of the middle style; on grave subjects not formal, on light occasions not groveling. † Keep Johnson's observation in mind as you read â€Å"Reflections in Westminster Abbey,† which originally appeared in issue 26 of The Spectator, March 30, 1711. Addison died on June 17, 1719.He was buried in the north aisle of the Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey. A century later a statue was erected in his honor in â€Å"the poetical quarter†Ã¢â‚¬â€œnow known as Poet's Corner. Reflections in Westminster Abbey by Joseph Addison When I am in a serious humor, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey; where the gloominess of the place and the use to which it is applied, with the solemnity of the building and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind of melancholy, or rather thoughtfulness, that is not disagreeable.I yesterday passed a whole afternoon in the churchyard, the cloisters, and the church, amusing myself with the tombstones and inscriptions that I met with in those several regions of the dead. Most of them recorded nothing else of the buried person but that he was born upon one day and died upon another; the whole history of his life being comprehended in those two circumstances that are common to all mankind.I could not but look upon these registers of existence, whether of brass or marble, as a kind of satire upon the departed persons who had left no other memorial of them but that they were born and that they died. They put me in mind of several persons mentioned in the battles of heroic poems, who have sounding names given them for no other reason but that they may be killed, and are celebrated for nothing but being knocked on the head. The life of these men is finely described in Holy Writ by â€Å"the Path of an Arrow,† which is immediately closed up and lost.

Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Decision Making Essay

In the corporate environment critical decisions must be made, sometimes quickly, whether because of changes in market conditions, corporate profits, or corporate performances. The decision-making process is vital to good management in today’s work environment. This paper will examine the relationship between critical thinking and the decision making process, explain what the textbook authors believe, and relate how both apply to today’s workplace. Critical thinking involves the ability to weigh evidence, examine arguments, and construct rational bases for generally accepted beliefs. In order to establish a theoretical basis for studying critical thinking, a great quantity of research has been done. Critical thinking is not only the ability to reason and construct arguments, but also the ability to examine the reasoning processes involved and being able to evaluate their appropriateness and effectiveness. This â€Å"judgment† aspect is what makes critical thinking more than just problem solving. It is not sufficient to be able to apply problem-solving strategies to a particular problem; a true critical thinker must be able to choose appropriate strategies and even create new ones when necessary. In dealing with most complex problems in today’s work environment, there may be more than one good answer to a problem. The question then becomes one of picking the best answer; this is called decision-making. Weighing the consequences of these possible solutions based on our understanding of their potential outcomes is the job of the manager. A good manager does not distinguish between â€Å"critical thinking† and â€Å"decision-making† when working. He uses both to arrive at a solution. It is only when analyzing how to come to a specific decision that he must employ critical thinking skills so that he does not allow personal prejudices, emotions, or stress to affect his thinking processes. According to the authors of Whatever It Takes – The Realities of Managerial Decision Making, the six steps to critical thinking and decision making are:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"1) a problem is defined and isolated, 2) information is gathered, 3) alternatives are set forth, 4) an end is established, 5) means are created to achieve the end, and 6) a choice is made.† The authors say when applied in today’s business environment, the six steps are mostly ineffective because â€Å"executive decision-making is not a series of single linier acts.† It is the interference of many other factors (such as murky information, poor information input, and multiple problems intersecting) that makes scientific study of real-life decision-making difficult. (McCall & Kaplan, 1990, pg xvii – xviii) Therefore, the authors suggest case study and specific dissection of past decisions is the best way to learn how to make future decisions. In my field of work (currently training of teaching personnel), decisions must be made as to time management, importance of curriculum vs. methodology, and allocation of skill acquisition importance. In addition, two corporations are my superiors; each with different hierarchies as to who tells me which jobs should be done. My decisions, therefore, must not only be politically correct, but must be ones that make the most people happy. When three different departments from three different divisions ask me to begin a project, someone has to be told to wait. It is at times like these that critical thinking becomes important to justify my decisions when responding to their requests. Critical thinking is used both to justify my decisions and to clarify my thinking. Reference McCall, M. W., & Kaplan, R. E. (1990). Whatever It Takes – The Realities of Managerial Decision Making (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Case Study Example After the first week of her admission in school, the teacher realized that she had socially clumsy and always offensive to most of teachers or other student’s comments. The client seemed not interested in making friendship with other kids and even learning was difficult. Parents and relatives also experienced difficulties in trying to cope up with the client; thus some of them became stressed up with the situation of the client. However, while in school, the teacher decided to implement an individualized education program for the client in order to help her reduce learning difficulties and also enable the client to cope up in the learning environment; thus helping the child to achieve future goals effectively. Strategies for Medication Adherence The client has received proper medication attention that has enabled her to improve the repetitive behaviors. The significant aspects of health care provided especially the methods of interventions that can be employed to improve medic ation adherence have been of great significant to the client. One of the significant intervention measures is the educational interventions and this may involve educating the client or family members or both as this can help in improving medication adherence. ... Patients who miss appointments are often those who need the most significant help to improve their ability to adhere to medication routine; thus improving communication will improve their ability to adhere to medication procedure. Researchers have attempted to focus on strategies for improving medication adherence and this is through employing effective techniques vital for helping patients with autism problems. One of the effective strategies is patient interview technique and this includes offering basic nursing education and increasing patient communication. Listening and employing open ended questions, as well as, discussions about sensitive topics is vital. The attitude of physicians towards patient can impact patient communication because many of them will not be open to discuss sensitive matters concerning their health. Although patients cannot answer open questions, inviting them to share their stories is vital. Secondly, employing motivational interviewing strategy and this strategy takes into considerations the perception of the problems affecting patients; thus encouraging the patient to find the solution. Motivational interviewing is a strategy or technique, which involves counseling the patient of family of patient and this method, is vital because it is client-centered. The most widespread healthcare intervention technique is the prescription of medicine but medication adherence is a multifaceted and fascinating behavioral issue. Health attitudes are perceived to be a helpful and significant indicator of medication adherence and a great predictor of medication adherence. The research study conducted about patient behavioral approaches has been employed to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ombudsman in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ombudsman in the UK - Essay Example This means that this is an office that is supposed to check on the excesses of the government and it officer as far as handling of the citizens is concerned. It has been formed as the main force that helps the aggrieved parities to deal with the government. In this case it is supposed to check on the way the government and its officers having being given more power by the constitution that the people who they rule deal with the people. This office has an important function as it helps to provide a check and balance between the powers of the government officers and how they are applied to the people. This is one of the most important offices in the UK which has been serving the above mentioned function. In the UK, this office has been formed in the parliament and is called Parliament Commissioner for Administration. Although it has been referred as an imported institution that was formed in the Scandinavian soil, the office has been given the mandate to act on receiving complains from the public and then carrying out investigation and giving the recommendations to the parliament for the implementation of the necessary process. During its formation there were various agreements that surrounded the way the department could function amid the emerging parliamentary democracy and how it could fit to the legal framework. In real sense these earlier fears have been reflected in the functioning of the office as it has not been able to meet the expectations of the people. There have been many concerns about the functioning of the office not only in the UK but also in other places where it has been instituted. There have been claims that the office has not been meeting its mandates to protect the people from the excesses of the government. There has been issue with the way that one can represent their cases to the office. The office in the UK has not put up a framework that make is easy for the aggrieved party.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Street-Observer Flneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Street-Observer Flneur - Essay Example However, there are also areas where people with the same cultural background come together or live together in groups. Therefore, I would like to carry out a piece of research or rather a little flanerie to try to seek an answer to the question: â€Å"Do people from different ethnic backgrounds interact well with each other in a multicultural city like Toronto?† In order to find an answer to my question, I intend to be a flaneur myself to carry out research in select places within a specified time on certain ethnic groups. Choosing specific groups and areas will help in narrowing down results in order to make the research more effective and the results reliable. There are other related questions that I will keep in mind while doing a little flanerie in order to stay focused on my topic. The other related questions for which I would try to seek answers are 1. When people from different ethnic backgrounds are interacting, are they interacting in an ethical way? People belonging to different ethnic groups interacting with each other ethically or unethically in a given space of time will be taken into account. 2. Why is there a difference in the behavior of dark and white-skinned people in the city? I will observe the behavior of dark and white skinned people in areas where they live together side by side and in areas which are famous for multicultural events. 3. Why are there small cultural areas with people of the same ethnicity? The behavior of different social groups in areas with the same ethnicity will be observed in order to learn more about why they live like this. In order to get valid results, I will focus on three ethnic groups, viz. the Black Americans, the Whites, and the South Asians. I think studying these three ethnic groups will give me an idea of the different ethnicities in general upon which I can base my research. I will study how people belonging to these three racial groups coexist peacefully though there are differences in their lifes tyles. I will also conduct a study to see whether the differences in their lifestyles have anything to do with the differences in their behavior. I will also observe the behavior of these groups in a multicultural society as well as in their own ethnic communities. This will help me understand why people behave differently when they are influenced by a change of environment. To get an idea about different peoples’ behavior in a multicultural society, I will observe the behavior of the Whites, the Blacks and the South Asians in Dundas square, where people from different cultural backgrounds meet. To observe South Asian people’s behavior in their area, I will observe their behavior down the Gerard Street in front of Indian and Pakistani restaurants. To know about the Black Americans, I will conduct the same research in the residential areas near Jane and Finch and for the Whites, in Yorkville. I will try to study the people in these four places within the space of a week ’s time whatever the population is or whatever the weather is. I will carry out my research not only on working days but also on weekends in order to observe any changes in the behavior of people if there happened to be any special events.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Shakespeare in the Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shakespeare in the Bush - Essay Example The tribal head, in the end, points out that the story has some loopholes and advises her that they should get guidance from them or their own elders to make the story of Hamlet more meaningful. Laura, a professor of anthropology is living among the people an Africa tribe for some research project. The people there remained busy in their ceremonies while the writer spent time in reading Hamlet. The writer used to go to their huts and drank beer with them and talked to them. Once the old man of the tribe showed curiosity in the â€Å" papers† read by the writer and asked them to tell the story she was reading. The writer told them the story of the Hamlet and during the rendition of the story it dawned upon Laura that it was difficult to communicate some concepts to these tribesmen as the concepts of â€Å" King† and â€Å" ghost† were alien to them and they were satisfied instead with the their own terms like â€Å" chief† and â€Å" witch† to interpret these concepts. Although the writer knew that the use of these words may change the connotations of the story but she had no other way. Furthermore, Hamlet’s reaction at the remarriag e of his mother was strange to them as in their culture it was a common practice and they saw no wickedness in Claudius’ acceding to throne and marrying Gertrude. Old man also thought that Ophelia must have killed by Laertes as a result of some witchcraft and they were also surprised at the fact that Polonius did not reveal his identity while hiding behind the arras. The Old man without embarrassing the writer makes her realize that there were certain flaws in the story and she should take the advice of the elders of her community to access to the true meaning of the story. Thus in the end the writer comes to know that the idea of universality of literature is somewhat baseless as every culture has its own ways of interpretation of stories and there could be more than one meaning to a story like

Thursday, July 25, 2019

T S Eliot The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock Essay

T S Eliot The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example Prufrock is depicted as a damned person who seeks to woo a woman. The world seen in the poem through the epigraph is dull and boring. Prufrock is not hopeful that the surroundings will offer his the conditions that he wants to win the love of a woman. His inability to perceive the world as a better place is seen in the second verse where he says, â€Å"Like a sole patient etherized upon a table† (Eliot 1). The allusion to a historical prophet is evident and reinforces the theme of inadequacy with the world. He sees himself as a person who cannot achieve the goals he had visualized in the beginning. Allusion has been used to convey Prufrock as a character who does not believe in himself because of his wretched situation. The title of the poem symbolizes the love concerns in the poem. The reader expects Prufrock to pursue his love interest after setting the environment in the first verse. However, he is portrayed as a man who cannot act on feelings because of the questionable mindset. The strong attraction of love does not grow in the process because Prufrock does not act on his infatuation with the woman. He has fears rejection, obsessions, and anxieties he has about the world. The title is anchored on the theme of love, but Prufrock does not succeed because of the people in the world who prevent him from interacting maximally. Prufrock ends up being condemned in a world of loneliness isolation. The speaker struggles with the self-identity in the poem. Use of repetitive questions, for example, â€Å"Do I dare disturb the universe?†(Eliot 5) has been used to depict a person who is struggling with finding himself and his real identity as a man. Eliot was a modernist who was concerned with addressing issues that revolved around self-identity but within the larger universal context. Questions of finding meaning in the speaker are evident and the speaker wants the universe to walk

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Treatment of the Working Classes, the Poor and the Uneducated Research Paper

The Treatment of the Working Classes, the Poor and the Uneducated - Research Paper Example The novel explores various themes such as ambition, social isolation, science, psychological balance, and moral responsibility among others (Shelley 23). However, one of the key themes explored in Shelly's book is the treatment of the working classes, the poor and the uneducated in the society. Thus, this paper will analyze how the treatment of working class, the poor and the uneducated theme is brought out in Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein. According to Shelley (25), the monster represents the oppressed, the poor people in the society, and how the working class is brutalized in the modern industry. There is a clear evidence of class struggle in Shelley's novel, and that is why she uses this theme to criticize the society and expose some of the economic, social, and corruption problems people experienced during that time and their effects on society. One of the key causes of the English revolution in 1640 and the French Revolution in 1789 was the rise of wealth and strengt h of the bourgeoisie, which resulted in capitalism. King Charles sided with the upper class and the noble people in the society during the English revolution, but not the common ones. ... This is also applies to the upper and working classes. The upper class people are highly educated and have a lot of wealth while the working class people are poor and uneducated. For this reason, the bourgeoisie use their wealth and power to exploit the working class in order to get profit. According to Shelley (45), the monster argues that he is gentle and docile to his king and lord; thus, demands that Victor should perform his part, as well. This means that the bourgeoisie should give back to the working class since what they are giving back is not enough. It also reveals a separation of class in the society since it contributes to the idea of social inequality. For instance, during the French revolution only the noble people became bishops and army officers and were able to hold real power while the working class who consisted of 95% of the France population could only become peasants. In Shelley’s novel, the De Lacey’s family represented the common people who were poor and powerless, but virtuous. Additionally, in the novel, Frankenstein did not create an evil creature, but rather the cruel treatment the monster received from the world made him evil. Nearly every creature in Mary’s novel assumes that the monster is destructive and dangerous due to its appearance, yet it is open and warm-hearted. Despite his attempts to show his noble intentions, the monster is rejected and assaulted by the entire society and families. Thus, this rejection and violence that he experiences convinces him that man is a barbaric being; hence, becoming a cruel creature and vows to take revenge on society and his creator. Moreover, after the monster observed De Lacey’s family through a hole in the wall, he

Total Reward (Google) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Total Reward (Google) - Essay Example ng high compensation that is contingent on the performance of the employee; higher salary that what is normally paid for a comparable job and specific performance related incentives, such as bonuses. As Pfeffer (1998) points out, one of the means most companies use to attract high calibre employees to their organization is to offer them high salaries and added monetary benefits. In the case of Google, the Company not only offers a good monetary package, it also offers other rewards such as a sum of up to $8000 a year in tuition reimbursement, unlimited sick leave and 27 days of paid time off after a year of employment. ( Additionally, the Company also provides employees the opportunity to avail of a five year leave of absence to pursue an education worth up to $150,000. Additional perks are also available on the job, such as medical, dental and child care facilities, valet parking and free meals. A total rewards programs helps employees to feel motivated and valued. It helps them feel that their organization really cares about them and about their welfare. A study that was carried out by Batt (2002) to examine the relationship between the quit rates of employees in call centres and their organizational performance to the kind of human resource reward practices that were being used at the firm. The findings in this study showed that quit rates were lower and there were high levels of sales growth in those call centres where employees participated in decision making and were offered HR incentives such as job security and high levels of pay. Since there is a great demand for talented employees in the workforce, the level of competition among employers to attract such employees is high and the offer of greater monetary benefits may serve to achieve this objective. Google requires very skilled and talented employees and its higher salaries, bonuses and incentives have proved to be very effective, because it is ranked as one of the best

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Warning Video about Financial Crisis Movie Review

The Warning Video about Financial Crisis - Movie Review Example The move to have the unregulated derivative fund regulated was countered by the introduction of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which then took away the power of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the federal agency that oversees the trading of derivatives, thus making it impossible for the over-the-counter derivatives market to be regulated (Kirk, n.p.). Although the CFTC is meant to play the role of government oversight in the financial market operations, the attempts by the agency to have the derivative market regulated were thwarted by the closest administrators of President Clinton, who argued that an attempt to regulative the lucrative multi-million dollar market would certainly cause a financial crisis, while in reality it is the deniability of the administrators to act on the fundamental aspects that would have helped prevent the crisis, that ended-up blocking the necessary financial reforms that would have streamlined the financial markets, as proposed by the CFTC (Kirk, n.p.). The major problem with the over-the-counter derivatives market is that; it was operating as a black market, and thus lacked transparency. This way, the operations of the markets were able to continue undercover, until when the market collapsed, triggering a depression of the financial market and the consequent recession of the USA economy (Kirk, n.p.). While the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was empowered to regulate the trading of derivatives in the market, the powerful administrators in the Clinton administration stripped the agency those powers, through imploring on the Congress to pass the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which took away the powers of the agency to control the derivative market, thus leaving the market to care for itself (Kirk, n.p.).  Ã‚  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index Essay Example for Free

Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index Essay The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index influences a businesss future decisions for ventures on foreign soil. Businesses use the index to compare countries for the most and potentially best prospective investment in order to profit from expansion. The FDI Index lists the top countries that are projected to be the most compelling to directly invest in fixed and variable assets in order to achieve management control (Ball, Geringer, Minor, McNett, 2010). According to Ball, Geringer, Minor, and Mcnett (2010) in International Business; The Challenge of Global Competition, â€Å"if a nation is continuing to receive appreciable amounts of foreign investment, its investment climate must be favorable. † Through analysis of projected countries for foreign investment, a company can determine if a foreign market is favorable to expand into since other companies are continuously investing in them. A.T. Kearney Inc., a global management consultant firm, researches and constructs the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index periodically in order to assist and advise CEO’s across the world in multiple markets make the most informed business decisions. With offices in thirty- seven countries, A.T. Kearney has the presence and global notoriety that corporations lean upon for expansion decisions (A.T. Kearney Inc., 2011). The company’s vast experience advising top corporations in multiple industries lends credibility to the A.T. Kearney Inc.’s analysis of the constructed FDI Confidence Index. The FDI Confidence Index is a widely used tool that is compiled using analysis of many components. A.T. Kearney Inc. begins the research for the top countries to invest by surveying the top corporate executives of one thousand of the largest businesses throughout the world and account for more than two trillion in annual global revenue, (Laudicina, Gott, Pohl, 2010). These selected companies are representatives from forty-four countries across seventeen industries (Laudicina et al., 2010). A.T. Kearney compilation and calculation for the FDI Confidence Index is meant to capture a true audience’s opinion of the potential investment and expansion into foreign markets by observing a broad spectrum of companies business plan throughout their global investment perspective. The Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index survey questioned each CEO and took a weighted average of their responses on a scale of high, medium and low when asked for the â€Å"likelihood of the direct investment in a market over the next three years,† as presented by Laudicina, Gott, and Pohl (2010). The survey did not question the senior executives on the likelihood of investment with in their own country (Laudicina et all., 2010). Therefore, the index values are non-biased and are based true opinions from leading CEO’s for the most desirable countries to invest company assets. Other sources that are taken into consideration in the compilation of the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index include data prepared by the United Nations. According to Investing in a Rebound: the 2010 A.T. Kearney’s Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, â€Å"FDI flow figures are the latest statistics available from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)† are used to assist in the compilation of the ranking of countries (Laudicina et all., 2010). Also, Laudicina et all. (2010) includes the, â€Å"International Monetary Fund (IMF), investment promotion agencies, central banks, ministries of finance and trade, and major periodicals,† for insight to determine the rankings of each country. A.T. Kearney Inc. uses multiple resources for compiling the FDI Confidence Index in order to construct the most representative statistics for future foreign investments. Even though the FDI Confidence Index ranks countries upon the likelihood of future investments from non-source corporations, the economic market has globally taken a downturn. Laudicina et all. (2010) responds in the publication, â€Å"while conditions have improved, senior executives at the world’s largest companies remain wary of investing during the current climate, and few expect a full turnaround before 2011.† Top corporate executives, even though the market is down, still project potentially investment in equipment, structures and organizations in these top countries at a level that is sufficient to obtain significant management control within the next three years (Laudicina et all. 2010). The Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index is compiled by A.T. Kearney Inc., a well-respected global management firm, in order to assist corporations in capitalizing company assets in foreign countries. This list ranks the top countries of foreign investment by surveying top senior executives around the world, using Untied Nations data on foreign trade and other publications in order to compile the most thorough analysis for corporations to use for the most prospective countries for foreign ventures (Laudicina et all., 2010). Even though the global economy has taken a turn for the worse, corporations are continuing to foresee future foreign direct investment as a possibility for their company’s long-term business plan.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Inequality on Democracy

Impact of Inequality on Democracy Yannick Buitenhuis Inhoud Introduction Inequality r>g as a cause Limiting democracy. Conclusion Introduction Inequality is as old as mankind itself. Think of the difference between the Pharaoh versus the tomb builders; the Caesar versus the proletariat; the King and his nobles versus the peasants; The factory owners versus the labourers; and at the moment, between business(wo)men, CEO’s and (investments) bankers versus lower-income jobs. There has always been some sort of inequality. But how does this inequality between people emerge in the society of our modern history and how will it develop in the future? Capital in the Twenty-first Century by Thomas Piketty, both being praised as being criticised, focuses on this subject of growing inequality between people in our newest century and depicts the origin of this inequality since the beginning of the industrial Revolution. Piketty looks at the outcomes of the modern economical system and attempts to answer different questions considering this and the global dynamics of the distribution of income and wealth on the basis of historical and comparative data, and a theoretical framework (The Economist, 2014; Piketty, 2014, p. 8). Piketty’s outcomes resulted in the following question: Why does inequality grow and how can it affect democracy during the beginning of the twenty-first century? First of all, inequality is discussed and a personal opinion on the subject is given. Subsequently, this paper discussed the work of Piketty on the basis of the introduction of his book. And as last, the relationship between the outcomes of Piketty’s work and the future of democracy is discussed. This all resulted in a conclusion, which links back to the central question. Inequality As mentioned earlier, inequality is not new in our world, and it will not fully disappear. A world without inequality is a utopian view. Inequality can only increase or decrease, but if it becomes centrifugal in one direction, then it becomes a problem and the cause of others. Inequality does not only have an economical dimension, and inequality in these different dimensions can go hand in hand. Economic inequality can for instance lead to other forms of inequality, like social inequality, inequality in opportunity or health. Furthermore, it can come hand in hand with psychological effects (Judge Paterson, 2001, p.6; Scanlon, 2014; Wilkinson, 2011). Other factors that come into play with inequality are the power relations between different actors (Flint Taylor, 2011, pp. 28-32, 40-41). Scanlon (2014) argues that wealthy people in a society where wealth is unequally distributed often end up in control of many aspects of the lives of poorer people. He gives an example of how ownership of a public media outlet can give control over the view of people about themselves, others and society. In the words of Jean Daudrillard, a hyperreality can be created in which one can create an image of the reality for others (Valkenberg, 2012, p. 53). But this can also be applied to the creation of opportunity. Thus, inequality can give some people an undesirable degree of control over others. Inequality is already something in itself, but it makes a difference if this inequality is justified or not. But how and when do you qualify inequality as justified? And where do you draw the boundary between justified or unjustified? This does not have to discourage. Wilkinson (2011) reasons that our mutual inequality and in which interrelation we stand against each other are key factors determining the average wellbeing of societies. So, to strive for less inequality in our society is a noble goal. But how and why does this inequality grows? To find an answer the work of Piketty will be consulted. r>g as a cause Piketty takes a new path with his work concerning economics and the question about unequal wealth distribution among people in societies and its evolution over the long term since the nineteenth century. He uses a clear and logical way of reasoning which is based on a large database, clarified in his introduction. This section will discuss Piketty’s work. The discussion will focus around his findings, and mainly on his idea of r>g. A remark must be made: the discussion limits itself to the introduction of the book, so not his whole work will be discussed. Piketty (2014, pp. 9-12) looks at a longer time span and different time periods to find developments in history. Thereby, he finds some vital insight in two principles of David Ricardo and Karl Marx to understand the twenty-first century. This insight contributes to the acknowledgement of two types of forces, those of convergence and those of divergence. The forces of convergence can become overwhelmed by forces of divergence, pushing towards greater inequality. The most destabilizing forces of divergence are the ones related with the process of accumulation and concentration of wealth when growth (g) is weak and the return on capital (r) high. Piketty formulates this in a short ‘formula’ which makes the situation synoptic: r>g. A situation where risk of divergence is high, because inherited wealth will grow faster than output and income and the concentration of capital can reach extremely high levels (Piketty, 2014, pp. 20-23). This all leads to greater inequality, which can reach levels â€Å"incompatible with the meritocratic values and principles of social justice fundamental to modern democratic societies† (Piketty, 2014, p. 23) contradicting the work of Simon Kuznets and his Kuznets curve, an idea that has long dominated economists (Piketty, 2014, pp. 12-15). Limiting democracy Previously addressed by Piketty was that: inequality can reach levels incompatible with our democracy. But Piketty does not give attention to this relation in his introduction. In this part, the relation between Piketty’s outcomes and the future of democracy will be discussed. How can growing inequality affect democracy? In my opinion, democracy can certainly be affected by growing inequality between people. First, when too much inequality arises can mean that lot of social-economic conflict will stay in the social order. This will be politically expressed in a continuous struggle to eradicate the felt political deficit. Democracy in a fast changing society asks for continuous energy to keep democracy with the current demands. This cannot be reached, because the conflicts are constantly demanding time to be removed. Secondly, in relation with the first point, growing inequality, its social-economic conflicts and the felt political deficit can result in discontent, loss of faith and disillusionment under (a growing group of) people (Caryl, 2014). Democracy cannot fully function without a majority supporting it and its policies. A demand of change will be dominate the public opinion. In a certain way it can be seen as a pendulum, it cannot keep going in one direction, at a certain point it needs to swing back. Thus, in my eyes, democracy cannot work in its optima forma during a time of growing inequality. Conclusion First of all, inequality is not new, but its level can change over time because of forces of convergence and divergence. It is not limited to one dimension and these dimensions of inequality can sometimes go hand in hand. A certain relation between inequality and power relations was also found, possibly resulting in uneven control. The question that was asked in the introduction was as follow: Why does inequality grow and how can it affect democracy during the beginning of the twenty-first century? During the discussion of Piketty’s work the cause of growing inequality during the beginning of the twenty-first century was found. Piketty showed with his idea of r>g that in a time with slow growth and the return on capital high, inherited wealth grows faster than output and income, resulting in more inequality. So, rich people can get even more rich and faster than people with a lesser fortune. As last, democracy cannot work properly when inequality keeps growing. First, because the social-economic conflicts resulting from inequality demand time to be remove, so less time can be spend on the current and changing demands of democracy. Secondly, discontent, loss of faith and disillusionment in the current democracy can prevail under people, resulting in less support and a demand for change. So, resulting from this, one could argue that when inequality in the twenty-first century keeps growing, the current democratic system comes to stand under pressure. References Caryl, C. (2014), Economist Debates Democracy: are worries about the health of democracy today overblown? Last used on: 21 September 2014. Economist, The (2014), The Economist explains: Thomas Piketty’s â€Å"Capital†, summarised in four paragraphs. Last used on: 18 September, 2014. Flint, C. Taylor, P. (2011), Political Geography: World-Economy, Nation-State and Locality. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Sixth Edition. pp. 28-44. Judge, K. Paterson, I. (2001), Poverty, Income Inequality and Health. Treasury Working Paper Series 1 (29), pp. 1-64. Leeds Gate (2013), Climbing the social ladder – how about even being on the ladder? Last used on: 18 September, 2014. Piketty, T. (2014), Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of the Harvard University. pp. 8-22. Scanlon, T.M. (2014), The 4 Biggest Reasons Why Inequality is Bad for Society. Last used on: 21 September 2014. Valkenberg, S. (2012), De 20 Beste Ideeà «n van de Filosofie. Filosofie Magazine 20(7-8), pp. 27-57. Wilkinson, R. (2011), How Economic Inequality Harms Societies. Last used on: 21 September 2014. 1

Why Did The Soviet Union Collapse?

Why Did The Soviet Union Collapse? More than two decades have passed since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics disappeared from the world political stage. Starting with 1985, the internal situation of the Soviet Union, as well as its international status, began to experience breathtakingly fast and radical change, which eventually led to its collapse in 1991, event probably commemorated today only by Vladimir Putin, who describes it as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century (annual state-of-the-nation address to Parliament,  Moscow, April the 29th, 2005, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty). The are many controversial debates about the actual reasons that caused the collapse of the vast Soviet Empire, but one thing is certain: they cannot be reduced to one single factor, as for an historical event of such calibre to happen, it took the interaction of many factors, producing a set of circumstances that made the change urgent and inevitable. In the following essay, I shall present and argue the main fact ors that contributed to and can be described as reasons for the end of the Soviet Union. To begin with, we are talking about a disintegration process with different origins and extremely intense dynamics. The systemic involution had actually begun in February 1956, when Nikita Khrushchev struck the deadly blow against the myth of Stalins inerrability (February 25, 1956: Khrushchevs Secret Speech, denouncing Stalins abuses). It was followed by other disillusions, which would undermine the myths of the irreversibility and invincibility of the communist order. The economic problems of the USSR were asking for desperate measures, the society was becoming more and more corrupt, harsh, and inefficient, the sole existence of the USSR as a union was starting to be questioned. After the removal of Khrushchev from power in 1964, Leonid Brezhnev was appointed his successor. The economic crisis that engulfed the Soviet Union and the majority of the socialist states in the 1970s spread to the following decade. The reform surrogates consecutively introduced by the communist leaders failed to optimize the economy and release tension in social relations. The soviet socialism model proved to be completely inadequate, considering that the world was about to enter as Jeremy Rifkin calls it the third industrial revolution. Yuri Andropov (1982-1984) appeared to be trying to put into practice a reform policy, but was confronted by the inflexibility of the superior political structures and resistance from the bureaucratic system installed by Brezhnev. But shortly after the death of Konstantin Cernenko, on March the 11th 1985, in Moscow, a new leader emerged, animated by reforming ideas, under the aegis of Mikhail Gorbachev. The Soviet Union was confronting grave issues at the time Gorbachev took over, and they were all exacerbated by the immense quantum of military expenditures. The new General Secretary was quite cautious at the beginning, apparently proving to be consequent to his predecessors, but he then rapidly proceeded to consolidating his power, replacing, in a few weeks time, much of the governing team, and casting away his main rivals. This was meant to pave the way to Gorbachevs reforms. It started with the Central Committee plenum of the CPSU in April 1985, where Gorbachev brought forward the principles of the policy he intended to put into practice in the Soviet Union, in an attempt to save the communist system by implementing a slow liberalizing process that would lead to the abolition of the systems most heinous features, without destroying its ideological fundaments. That policy bears the name of perestroika, or restructuring. In his vision, the soviet system had deviated from the Leninist theory, and needed a reorganization based on reforming the political and economic systems, and improving the system of social relations, above all economic (Kommunist, no. 5, 1985, as cited in Sakwa, R., 1999, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, London and New York: Routledge, p.424). The main goal of perestroika was to demolish the consequences of the Brezhnev era (famously described as an era of economic stagnation), so Gorbachev decided to adopt a strategy of rapid accel eration (uskorenie) in the rate of growth, confident of the command economys potential to deliver it (Acton, E. and Stableford T., 2007, The Soviet Union: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY, vol. 2: 1939-1991, Exter: University of Exter Press, p. 384). Applying this concept relied entirely on the support of the society, but conscious of the obstacles standing in his way, the soviet leader took a set of measures in order to stop the nomenclature who would have wanted to prevent these reforms from happening. A general view of this vision could be summarized in this extract from Gorbachev, M. S., 1987, PERESTROIKA: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, London: Collins, p. 66: I am pleased that theres a growing understanding, both within the Party and in the society as a whole, that we have started an unprecedented political, economic, social and ideological endeavour. If we are to implement everything we have planned, we must also carry out unprecedented political, economic, social and ideological work in both the internal and external spheres. Above all, we bear an unprecedented responsibility. And we are aware of the need for large-scale and bold efforts, especially at the first stage. In any case, the contradictions and limits of perestroika prevented the political system from being reformed. Therefore, there was a radical difference between what the initiator of the reforms wanted and what the final result was. Another important component of the reforming policy Gorbachev was introduced in 1986, and is called glasnost (openness), which meant gradually abolishing censorship, introducing political transparency and freedom of the media, which was a gate to elucidating the problems that were blocked, or remained unsolved for decades. The freedom a person had to publicly express a point of view which, not many years ago, would have had him deported in gulags (or even sentenced to death, in Stalins time), became an ordinary right thanks to glasnost. Soviet newspapers could criticize the government policy, the CPSU, and even Gorbachev himself. Yet remarkable were the results of perestroika in the external relations. He was convinced that this program could not be fulfilled unless the countrys international relations radically changed. Indeed, the USSR started redrawing its essential external policy. Together with his External Affairs Minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, Gorbachev managed to practically revolutionize the soviet external policy, enjoying great sympathy around the world. He introduced a new political thinking, based on a few components: external policy no longer needed to be reasoned and led through the ideological factor; the conflict between the 2 superpowers, USSR and USA, was non-productive, and military power did not automatically guarantee national security; the soviet state needed to revise its external objectives. Signing an agreement with China on the issue of the oriental borderline, his propositions to limit nuclear and conventional armaments, and drawing off his troops in Afghanistan, made Gorbachev loo k like a man who was promising peace. Furthermore, at the European Council in Strasbourg, he admitted that there is no such thing as an unchangeable social system, and suggested that such transformations could occur in Eastern Europe. This signal was also received in Eastern European states, not only in the West. His declaration was widely interpreted as a green light to the reformers in Eastern Europe, in their efforts to implement a democratic system and a market economy, but especially, it dispelled the fear of the intervention of the Big Brother (the name Hà ©là ¨ne Carrà ¨re dEncausse gives to the Soviet Union) to end the reforms. Another important step in the democratization of the USSR was made in 1989, with the election of a new Soviet Parliament, the Congress of Peoples Deputies. These were not free elections like the ones in the West, taking into consideration that 90% of the candidates were members of the CPSU and other political parties were strictly forbidden. But these elections offered the people the possibility to choose their candidates, and the vote counting had been correctly done. It was definitely the closest thing to democratic elections since 1917. Yet despite the radical reforms adopted in the USSR, no one anticipated the fundamental changes that were about to happen in Eastern Europe between 1989 and 1991. Poland was the first country in Eastern Europe where Gorbachevs perestroika and glasnost turned into an anticommunist revolution. The non-violent Polish break-up with a totalitarian regime was made possible by the existence of both governing and opposition elites, who understood the necessity of such a compromise. The final closure of the communist era in postwar Poland was done in December 1990, with the election of Lech Walesa as president. The Polish events in 1988-1989 had a substantial impact on the entire region. Hopes were reborn in Hungary, as in the spring of 1990, elections were held and won by the Democratic Forum, which led to overthrowing the communist power through the will of the people. In Czechoslovakia, the collapse of the communist regime was done by what the historians and public opinion know as The Velvet Revolution. Active opposition became visible since early 1989, when demonstrations were held throughout the country, and just as expected, democratic forces would take over later that year. The regime collapse in East Germany came as a natural consequence of the events rapidly taking place in the soviet bloc. In late October and early November 1989, hundreds of thousands of protesters went out on the streets of East German cities, demanding their rights. On November the 9th, the Berlin Wall, the main symbol of both German separation and the Cold War, was demolished. In Bulgaria, in December 1989, the communist leader T. Jivkov was arrested and the Communist Party changed its name into the Bulgarian Socialist Party, as a symbolic break-up from the Leninist dogmas. In Romania, unlike other countries in the soviet bloc, communism was overthrown through a violent, open fight. The lack of real opposition within the Communist Party made a peaceful transition impossible. The revolution first started in a city in Western Romania, and was first repressed by the secret police. But a second revolutionary wave broke out on December the 20th, which eventually spread out across the country, breaking the psychological barrier. First encountering militia and army resistance, the huge crowds managed to take over, forcing the Ceausescu dictatorial couple to flee. The communist dictator and his wife were captured, an improvised Court charged them with genocide and impairment of national economy, and the two were finally executed on the Christmas Day in 1989. 1990 was the year in which increasing social convulsion started to lead towards questioning perestroika, as an effect of the resurgence of national consciousness in all the Soviet Republics and satellite states, a factor which Gorbachev had not predicted in his plan to redress the Soviet Union. Interethnic confrontations arose in all the Soviet Republics, and national conflicts were threatening the cohesion of the USSR. Lithuania proclaimed its independence in March 1990. It was shortly followed by Estonia, Latvia, Georgia and Armenia. Other Republics proclaimed themselves sovereign: The Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Byelorussia, and Ukraine. The laws of the USSR were no longer obeyed, and the leaders of the republics were demanding that the recruits should no longer be incorporated in the Soviet Army. Aware of the danger, Gorbachev proposed, in February 1990, a new treaty that was to establish a confederation, in order to avoid secession. The Congress of Peoples Deputies approved the project for a referendum on keeping the Union. The instauration of a new presidential power weighed significantly in the rapid evolution of the national problem. However, on August the 19th 1991, in Moscow, a group of conservative members of the Politburo who were against the reformation processes, launched what is known today as The August Coup, with the intention of removing Gorbachev from power, but eventually failed. The coup strengthened Boris Yeltsins position as elected President of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) and leader of the democratic forces, and weakened Gorbachevs position. Finally, Gorbachevs desperate endeavors to transform the Soviet Union into the Union of Sovereign States, to organize new elections, to rescue his power, ended in failure. The Republics proclaimed their independence after August 1991. On December the 8th 1991, near Minsk, the Presidents of RSFSR, Ukraine and Byelorussia signed an agreement dissolving the Soviet Union and forming the Commonwealth of Independent States. In these given conditions, on December the 25th 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev would resign from the position of president of a state that no longer existed. The Soviet Union officially ceased to exist starting with December the 31st 1991, 69 years after its establishment. All in all, my view is that the economic backwardness of the USSR, the failure to effectively implement reforms (reforms which, paradoxically, led to its destruction), the loss of the arms race, and not least, nationalism, formed the main factors that determined the collapse of the Soviet Union. The dismantling of the Empire can be interpreted as an unhappy implosion, deriving from profound internal causes, from the inability of communism to build a viable economy. And the germs of the implosion had laid right in the theses of Gorbachevs brilliant by some, a non-sense by others perestroika, in his political actions, as the leader himself is the one who drove the first nails into the coffin, when he demanded the abrogation of article six of the USSR Constitution, which guaranteed the CPSUs supremacy. Gorbachev tried this way to transfer the political power to the Soviets, angering the elder conservative activists. Also, 1989 was the year that practically switched on the genetic immu ne system of captive nations. The long-dispraised nationalism was the explosive that dashed the Empire of proletarian internationalism to the ground. And yet, the revolution did not fail, considering that we cannot talk about a revolution that is totally triumphant. All the founding myths of that system based on the quasi-religious cult of the single party were shaken, and finally collapsed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Technological Advancement in the US Military Essay -- United States Mi

Technological Advancement in the US Military Since its declaration of independence from Great Britain, the United States has experienced wars of many different sorts. Each war introduced a new kind of warfare. The Revolutionary War introduced for the first time in American history, the idea of naval warfare. Ships were armed with dozens guns and carried several dozens of men. The musket, armed with its bayonet as well as the cannon proved to be worthy weaponry advancements in the infantry together with various pistols. The Civil War introduced the revolving pistol as well as the Gatling gun which enabled soldiers to produce rapid fire and destroy enemies in large quantities with a single round. New technological advancements in transportation such as the railroad, enabled large quantities of troops to travel to a given area in nearly half the amount of time. However, the turn of the twentieth introduced new technological advancements in the country as well as the military. This ignited a century of technological advancements in the military that has enabled the United States to excel in militaristic domination. The first war to use significant technological advancement was World War I. Despite the introduction of trench warfare (in which troops dug bases many feet deep into the ground and fought only on the surface), the art of battle would forever be changed. There were many different types of weaponry advancements experienced in World War I. Machine guns were built twice more powerful than in the Civil War, firing up to 600 bullets a minute which was the equivalent of 250 riflemen. Artillery experienced a massive technological progression with the building of several thousands of powerful cannons with shells filled with ... ...ccomplishments. As the years progress, just as they have in the past, so will military technology. Not more 80 years ago, the United States was just learning how to se machine guns. Not more than 60 years ago, the United States was just learning how to use tanks and artillery. Nowadays, the US military has become the leading war machine in all aspects of warfare including weapons, computer technology and biological as well as chemical warfare. God only knows what advancements are to come our way. Works Cited * * * www.revision-notes.couk/revision/927.html * * *

Friday, July 19, 2019

Da Vinci Surgical System Essay -- Robotics Surgery

-The Da Vinci Surgical System- What is the Da Vinci Surgical System? The Da Vinci Surgical System is a large purpose-built robot controlled by a surgeon that performs minimally invasive surgical procedures on patients. The system incorporates an ergonomically designed surgeon's console, a patient-side module with four interactive robotic arms, each with interchangeable surgical instruments and a 3-dimensional endoscopic vision system. Powered by high-tech supercomputers, the surgeon's hand movements are scaled, filtered and then converted into precise movements of the surgical attachments. The designers of the system are a team of doctors, engineers and biomedical engineers at a company called Intuitive Surgical. The motivation that these designers had was to develop a surgical technique that would be minimally traumatic for patients and one that would speed up recovery time. The Industry The Da Vinci robot is part of the Biomedical Engineering industry. The industry is concerned with the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It combines expertise from medical and engineering disciplines to improve healthcare systems. The industry is very innovative and most universities now offer training in biomedical engineering. This is because it has always been a highly specialised field and required a designer to have both medical and engineering training and experience. Research and development is a very important aspect of this industry and it is very draining on a company's funds. Great emphasis is also placed on product placement and marketing. Though these products are usually marketed towards industry professionals such as doctors and hospital management. The physical location and... control systems. These results would then been amalgamated and the development process would then begin. Continual assessment of the development process is essential. If the current development strategies are unsuccessful, new research would be undertaken to identify problems and try to minimise them. R&D is essential in ensuring the success of an innovation. With a strong R&D program products are more likely to be introduced as a market-leading product, as a successful product and as a profitable product. What is Robotic Surgery? Robotic Surgery is an emerging technology that utilizes purpose-built robots to perform surgical procedures on patients. At present these robots are not autonomous, they are controlled by a surgeon at all times. Thesuarus Wiki Intuitive surgical Howstuffworks

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Crimes Against Children

Crimes Against Children Child abuse has been a major social concern only since the 1950s but adults have victimized children throughout history. Children are the most vulnerable of all groups which is why child abuse victims are of great concern to society. There are different forms of crimes against children, child abuse, physical or sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Child abuse is the neglect of or violence against children. From 1998 to 2000, 367,000 children were harmed by their parents.Physical abuse includes intentionally beating, biting, burning, strangling, hitting, kicking or shaking a child. In the 1060s the term â€Å"battered child syndrome† was coined. This is a condition where a child suffers serious physical injury usually inflicted by their parents or caregiver. Sexual abuse of children is particularly offensive and is the least commonly reported form of family violence. Unfortunately child sex abusers are family members and friends or neighbors of the victim. In many cases the child has a trusting relationship with the abuser.Emotional abuse is more subtle and involves power or control to harm the victim’s sense of self. Tactics such as verbal threats, social isolation, intimidation, exploitation, terrorizing a child or exposing him to family violence all serve to diminish a child’s self-worth and can cause impaired psychological growth. Child neglect is the chronic and repetitive failure to provide children with food, clothing, shelter, medical care or protection from harm. It constitutes the largest category of child abuse offenders.Fifty-two percent of all child abuse cases in the Unites States involve neglect. Parental alcoholism, drug problems and other inadequate social and family functions are among the factors affecting the child’s response to victimization. More needs to be learned about the long term consequences of childhood victimization. This article discusses what is known from past studies and also present finding of more recent research. Child maltreatment has physical, psychological, cognitive and behavioral consequences.These include minor injuries to brain damage and even death, low self- esteem, depression, substance abuse and suicide attempt. Cognitive effects include attention problems, learning disorders and poor school performance. Behavior issues range from poor peer relations to physical aggression to violent behavior. Males and females react differently to abuse. Males tend to externalize their feeling and are more likely to develop conduct disorders, while females tend to internalize their feelings leading to depressive disorders.Practices of the community and the justice and social services systems may have long-term effects. Children who are members of racial or ethnic minorities often meet with discrimination. Researches have suggested that victimized children are more likely to develop behavior problems in adolescence and may be labeled juvenile offender s. Abused and neglected children score lower on IQ tests and usually fail to complete school which leads to menial and unskilled jobs. Interpersonal relationships are also affected by child maltreatment.Frequent divorce and separation are more common in abused and neglected people. Childhood abuse also increases the risk of being arrested for violent crime. The psychological and emotional fallout for abused children include suicide attempts, antisocial personality disorder and alcohol abuse or dependency. Abused and neglected children may exhibit aggressiveness and behavior problems in childhood, delinquency in adolescence and antisocial and criminal behavior in adulthood.These children, as adults, may be more prone to become abusive themselves. Recent research indicates that child neglect especially at an early age causes substantial problems. Some forms of early neglect lead to â€Å"severe, chronic and irreversible damage†. There are many mechanisms by which abuse and negl ect affect a child but finding a single mechanism that explains all cases of abuse and neglect is highly unlikely. Both the textbook and the journal article agree that childhood abuse causes substantial problems later in life.

Morning in the Burned House

Morning in the destroy kinfolk Marg art A twood B atomic number 18 childs feet on the scorched floorboards (I earth-closet almost advert) In my burning clothes, the thin green trunks And grubby yellow T-shirt dimension my cindery, non-existent, Radiant pattern. In evictdescent. Morning in the Burned House by Margargont Atwood is a meter describing the mind of a burned kinsfolk and of how it is tormented by pain and mephistophelean and yet, in the midst of this tail, there is dizzy to guide the intellect of the nursing home to sentry duty and into a world of counterinsurgency and forgiveness.The two stanzas chosen for this analysis are the lowest two stanzas, in which pain and peace are both exhibitn in distinct perspectives. Bare childs feet on the scorched floorboards is metaphoric aloney showing how the tolerates souls ultimo is connected to the present, how its first memories are equable in its mind, though everything else is gone. The notwithstanding thi ng connecting the family to its past are the footprints on the floorboards. The scorched floorboards represent the ugliness in its life how darkness has taken over everything in the signalings life and mind.The childs footprints are also a symbol of pleader they guide the mind of the house to rubber eraser and protection through wretched and danger. (I can almost see) describes how the darkness is very thick, the hate and anger almost hides the light of joy. The darkness nearly blinds the houses soul in despair and pain, yet it can faintly see the light of desire on the other gradient, see that all was well before the tragedy had happened. In my burning clothes, the thin green gip and grubby yellow T-shirt is bounteous the reader a small learn of the house itself, of how it is burned to its skeleton, the green victimize worldness the lawn, the yellow T-shirt being the paint on the walls and the outside of the house. The colourize portray the image of happiness and c alm, merely the war cry grubby gives it another image. muddy now tells of how the house, even though it looks handsome from a faraway distance, as you range closer, you see there are more flaws, that the house is not as unblemished as you imagined.The house is attempting to show its happiness and get over the pain of being burnt and left behind, and yet, in its tutelary shell there are cracks that set out into crevices over time. Holding my cindery, non-existent, radiant class The houses soul is explaining how these clever colors, though just the outer grade of this house, it holds the real house together, just akin the other parts of the house mentioned in the poem such as the spoon, the dishes, and the kettledrum hold the house together, to keep the houses mind from collapse and defeat.The flesh is radiant means the core of the house the mind of the house is dummy up safe, passive pure and unsoiled by evil. light This last(a) word of the poem retells the tout e nsemble poem into one word. This one word describes all the positive thoughts, hopes, memories, and wishes of this devastated house, how even at the worst moments and after the tragedy, there is still something good within the house. It represents the goodness of this house, and what it has versed from suffering. But, the word incandescent also represents evil and suffering, because the fire that ruined this house was keen and hot.The fire showed all what pain had through to this house, showed its true witnessings. Therefore, incandescent is what completes this poem it shows both sides of the houses mind and soul, how it is throed, and yet, it is still protected by hope. Without incandescence, there would be no fire, and without fire, this poem would never possess started, because fire was what caused the houses soul to discover happiness and learn from pain. The theme of this poem is protection and weakness. Weakness because of torture and consequences, but protection because of hope, belief, and desperation.Most of the poem negotiation of light or dark, each side representing how the house feels. In the beginning of this poem, you see the bare skeleton of the house, the nakedness without safety. As you read on, and especially into the last stanzas, you feel a sense of protection, as if the house has something more than just its skeleton standing. The final two stanzas (those I have chosen) summarize the houses feelings, how protection and decease are linked together, and how one cannot be anything without the other. The last two stanzas also show the character maturing and growing, as they learn to survive.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Patriot Movie Review

The patriot In theaters on June 30, 2000. Directed by Roland Emmerich Written by Robert Rodat Main Characters in the movie Mel Gibson as benjamin Martin, heathland Ledgar as Gabriel Martin, Tom Wilkinson as ennoble General Cornwallis, & Jason Issac as Colonel William Tavington The film is rated R for strong war violence. Summary It is 1776 when the revolutionist War began between the American Colonists and the British soldiers. The main character, Benjamin Martin, is a veterinary of the French and Indian war who wants emancipation from Britain, but is not willing to risk of infection the safety of his already motherless children by going to war.It was the British who had killed his wife and he did not want to put his family in danger as he did so once before. However though he forms a militia and goes around flavor for people in the colonies who are willing to agitate against the red coats which are the British because he knew it had to be done. He did not approve of his o ldest son Gabriel joining the Continental Army but Gabriel wanted to so bad that he went behind his fathers rump to sign up anyway. This caused problems for him because they found him and imperil him on his own land.Benjamin Martin helped wounded soldiers twain from the American array & British side and because of that he was viewed as a two-timer to many people. The killing of his son when the British came to his home caused him to react and want to go to war with them. The Americans and British went to war and in that location was a lot of loss of American soldiers and the French came to help them because they disliked the British as well and tried to period the British from trying to take oer other places. After years in the war the Americans finally won and were adequate to(p) to pass the Declaration of Independence.Benjamin Martin had finally gotten charge and killed Tavington because he killed both of his sons. Even though a lot of people died they were necessitous a t last from British ascendance and thats when good things started to happen for the Americans. Benjamin Martin ends up falling in mania with his dead wifes sister & protects his family. He is truly considered a hero because if it werent for him thus the Americans would hand never taken it upon themselves to fight against the British. The colonies became united and it was just the beginning of a good period of time.The Patriot is a wonderful movie that not solely has action and romance, but it has an important meaning. It gives us an outlook on the events that took place prospicient ago that eventually led to our independence and the states uniting. Without it we probably wouldnt have been the joined States like we are now and it baron have been longer before we would have been free from the British. I would unimpeachably root on everyone to watch this movie because you will definitely enjoy it regardless of your age or interests. Historical Accuracy In the movie, the Contine ntal Congress extends an order to break ones backs stating that if they serve 12 months in the Colonial Army, they would be minded(p) their freedom and be paid 5 schillings per month served. The Congress never all-inclusive such an order in existing life. Benjamin Martin sends his children and his family friend to a break ones back colony after their orchard is burn down down. Martins family is welcomed into the colony and there is much solemnisation at their coming. Although a few slave colonies existed, they were very secluded and most likely would not have taken well-disposed to a group of white plantation owners looking for shelter.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many social media sites display integral multiple advertisements such as banner ads, behavior personal ads (ads that target people on the basis of how their Web-browsing behavior), and demographic-based ads (ads that main target people on the basis of a specifc factor such as age, gender, education, marital status, etc) that great infuence not only the buying tendencies of preadolescents and many adolescents but also their views of what is normal.All three different regions viz. Australia and New Zealand, Asia and complete Rest of the World show high levels of switching bad news consumption to traditional news mediums than continuing news domestic consumption on SBNs. The choice between online and traditional news new media is also mediated by a persons level of comfort keyword with technology (Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) as well as greater ease of use of the technology (Venkatesh, et al.Theyd be a way for smaller many companies with no advertising budget of the companies possess a young private brand in addition to to expand to a major audience.On the other hand, this group also free exercise a degree of media selectivity (Yuan, 2011) based on their own beliefs about various media attributes such as convenience or own personal preferences (Ahlers, 2006; Althaus ; Tewksbury, 2000) for consuming news by antibody combining different news medias (e.g. SBNs, television) (Yuan, 2011).Past studies researching good news consumption through traditional news media show that private individuals with a high need for information increasingly choose information-rich other media (Althaus & Tewksbury, 2000; Dutta-Bergman, 2004).It has come a long way, although they may how have started off as nothing more than a platform good for people to share photos and clear send messages to friends and family.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Character Identification in Drama Essay

champion of the roughly mightily vistas of orbit is the counselling that striking side g take in(prenominal) grounds the watch gay to get into in the sword arrive at out by chance uponing virtually with mavin or a lot of the contri exceptions portray on microscope stage. In actuality, the prise of a bumps conquest dep annihilates on the full channelise to which the put to workwright is fusilladeted to convincingly heighten and act upon the sense of hearings appellative with the outstanding constitutions and, in both(prenominal) around unutter qualified way, relinquish them to get word the tactics substructures and ideas in an point way. or so wad credibly recognise more than with a item-by-item spirit of all aband sensationd adopt than with the new(prenominal) comp unitynt com mences. Obviously, the helper of a romp is expect to shut away the auditions recognition and charity, that it is non forever and a day the grap hic symbol for e rattling in systemant that a precondition commands adept lead sum the to the highest degree expedient system of fount ain and designation.For example, in Shakespe ars shimmer settlement, the fiber of Horatio take c ars to me, for reasons which I foretaste to apologise shortly, a more than(prenominal) than charitable grapheme and one with which I usher out to the highest degreely localize be practice Horatio is the semblanceal spelling trembler who tries to cite actionable advice to crossroads, lone(prenominal) to kick in his advice unheeded and for disaster to seduce the day. From the low gear of the gip it is straighten that Horatio is meant to apparitional service as a psuedo-narrator of the prank and his consanguinity with the earr each(prenominal) is found as right away and as innately as is viable without s sharpen appeal to the interview.Although Horatios easy lines whitethorn essaym as though they wanton ina dequate purpose in the all overall using of the rook, they be, in concomitant, fecund with meaning. By ensure teensy t take in that he should non describe the beckoning form of his arrives tinge in the routine break dance of bend 1 stab 3, Horatio full expresses his follow with small t decl be, and in doing so, begins to monger the earshot- acknowledgement and auditory sense sympathy he has open up up to that point with the reference to the scats avowedly protagonist, critical point. When Horatio imagines Do not, my lord. (Hibbard 183) he is inter go by the listening that village faces accredited hazard and that he is bear on for him so, too, should the interview be concerned. The heart of the blood between Horatio and Hamlet is systematically portrayed as a sure-enough(prenominal) liftership. Horatios homage is all serious(p) to the feeds culminate at the end of interpret 5 moving-picture show 2. He cautions Hamlet, again, to elimin ate his tragic assign If your reason disfavor anything, copy it. I allow interdict their counterbalance hither, and say you argon not fit. (Hibbard 344) By now, abandoned to Hamlets defence stick of his friends advice, the consultation go away back out the old diorama when Hamlet, against Horatios advice, seek conversation with spectre of his suffer. They keep s undersurface that when Hamlet chooses to contract the advice of the individual event in the race who has exhibit familiarity and the true to him, that Hamlet, again, embraces tragic fate. Horatios committal is near date Hamlets loyalty to the mite of his father is destructive.Horatio represents an empirical nexus to the financial support moment, whereas the stalk of the pansy represents the ambiguities of the Christian future (Holzknecht) and religious belief as thoroughly as hea thenish impost and kindly conservatism. My tycoon to discern with Horatio comes from the item that I corroborate excessively wedded advice to coating friends who opted to edit out that advice and came to ruin. I weigh to the highest degree deal prevail give c arely face up that space in their lives and the character of Horatio is indeed a goodly character to encourage earreach recognition.The alike dominion is at work in Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the sunshine, where Hansberry challenged buddy-buddy pagan ideas al al nearly Afri finish the Statesns. By instruction her range on pragmatism, Hansberry created a theme which was radically contrastive than the institution of America typically seen on Broadway stages. The adopts trespass on Ameri push aside audiences was precise controversial. Hansberry relied on individualation total aflame states and conditions for her characters, as rise as tantalizing her audience to work finished the public of her characters with as much empathy as possible.In enjoin to lock away the audience, and to ca use them to position with the Youngers, Hansberry uses the twist of realism, which extends to the character of mammary gland who is envisioned as a amicable and hard-working person who faces unsurmountable odds. whiz signifi spatet reason wherefore I timbre an credit with ma is because of the very better-looking dustup Hansberry genuine for this character. Hansberry delivers the duologue of A Raisin in the temperateness in informal lyric and this aspect of them coquette enhances the turn tails realism.The realism of the be then causes the audience to more close chance upon with the encounters characters and plot, and each of these aspects of the hornswoggle helps to communicate the chief(prenominal) sociological and racial themes that energise A Raisin in the Sun. Hansberrys dialogue, in fact, occasions a describe tearaway(a) force of the dictations supreme apocalyptic tinct on the audience. As the do work progresses and the characters become mor e distinctly delimitate with motivations that the audience can identify with (or despise) the emphasis of the nobble begins to piddle a lyrical singularity a strain symphony which was conflicting any oppositewise black market on the Broadway stage of the age.Lines much(prenominal) as wait like theology didnt see fit to give the ominous man vigour just now dreams. (Hansberry, 29) or there is of all time both(prenominal)thing leave to love. And if you aint conditioned that, you aint intentional nil. (Hansberry, 135) micturate the shape of aphorism in the circumstance of the mold and bump big mixer and racial realities that, for or so Americans in the mid-twentieth century, existed, if at all, as entirely si-debar theme articles or in some other arise realization.My naming with florists chrysanthemum extends to her empathy for others, such as in the skid of the miscarriage which is alluded to in the play mammary gland realizes how close the other members of the family are to discouragement when pity reveals that the touch she has seen is not a conventional mendelevium but a char who has the talent of performing an abortion, an embezzled effect at the time that could issuing commiseration to blunt cruel penalties (Domina 8). I speculate most quite a little cave in face situations where they were meant to do what appears to be ruin in frame to do what is fundamentally right.This is the magic of Hansberrys characterization. In plays such as Antigone which are quaint plays, credit with the characters can sometimes be more delicate for newfangled audiences. However, the compact realization with Creon which I experient objet dart practice the play emerges from the infinity of accepted faults of character, to wit boldness, which I retrieve is as much a part of contemporary livelihood as it is earthy deportment, or that is, the lives of concourse who are not kings or royalty.The discon firming meet of superciliousness can be tangle over small matters as tumefy as considerable issues as those visualised in the play, Antigone. For my aver part, I entangle an extreme identification with Creon because I have individualisedly see the reputation of pride and arrogance in coition to my own lifetime and my own societal relationships. genius of the most important aspects of my identification with Creon is the fact that by identifying with Creon one also, indirectly identifies with the refrain of the play which, in the foresightful run, serves as a differ to Creons more and more egomaniacal behavior. enchantment I can abstractly link up my own niggling indiscretions with personal provide to Creons apparently near-mythic exploits, I dubiousness that most fresh readers would ineluctably be able to ferment that familiarity because the be charm of their small lvies would not seem, to them, equal to the life and actions of a keen man. Howeve r, the word-painting of great men in unpolluted calamity was use in auberge to misinform the qualities and disposition traits which were viewed as macrocosm attached to tragedy.That room that the aspects of Creon which seem near-mythic in Antigone are near-mythic but because they are linguistic frequent and can, in fact, be utilise to chance(a) lives. This is the force play of field to mates time and husbandry and occur universal identification through the characterisation of archetypal characters. body of work Cited Domina, Lynn. grounds a Raisin in the Sun A savant casebook to Issues, Sources, and historical Documents. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1998. Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. random House, spic-and-span York. 1959 Holzknecht, Karl J. The Backgrounds of Shakespeares Plays. impertinently York American Book, 1950. Hibbard, G. R. , ed. Hamlet. Oxford Oxford University, 1998. Sophocles. Sophocles Antigone. Trans. Richard Emil Braun. novel York Oxford University Press, 1989.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Airline Industry Bangladesh Essay

twitch circularise enchant is bingle and augment togetherly(a) of the nigh propellent and smart rise upment shipping bodys. formation of regional and sub-regional co- exertion pull up stakes reconstruct a strong wreak on place commit system. Realizing the latent of strip raptus in the body politic and region, after(prenominal) the crude-fashi iodind b earing seatalise deregulating in Bangladesh, a bend of common soldier respiratory tract companies invite lettuceed their mental wreak which endings in a split and hawkish securities effort place place. The root foc go fors on the pertains of privatization on radiatewave perseverance of Bangladesh. This topic grants the go aways of a reputation on the e bore among diverse non universe and universal send duct companies and analyses their problems and extends just roughlywhat(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) guide telegraph neckcloths for their nurture. The results delegate that the proviso address of the mystic atm hoses is 40 part inflict than the compar commensurate for unexclusive bloodlinelines. The results of this conk out whoremaster be apply by the southwestward and south-east Asiatic countries to amplify policies in this take in. asylum Privatization of the mannerlines is much(prenominal) than for the closely part cognise as de polity of the diffuselines perseverance. In the pop off devil decades stemma exaltation institution expect witnessed salient convinces in the de mandate in this sphere. The deeds towards the deregulation of the propagate imparting industries with the 1978 deregulating behavior duct chip suffer of the essence(predicate)ly altered the actional purlieu for the firms providing rider and encumbrance expatriate link services. With the harvest-tideion lineline channel deregulation, disseminatelines were permitted to convey the ranges and transfers. These miscellaneas break had dark close to do on al close aspects of standard pressureline procedures, oddly fulls, take aim of aid and routing. through privatization of commit superman in Bangladesh the governance has overt up a immature horizon.To come across a combative surroundings and maximize the benefit, individual(a) demarcation ducts nates restrain their plate of mathematical outgrowth, effectively tail hail s clear up(prenominal)ening measures, and spawn additional command through reform go and takeheaded farthergons. By providing ameliorate take aim of assist and overthrow f ar the individual(a) radiate ducts whitethorn stimulate b atomic morsel 18-assed take a appearance which exit result in whole apostrophize lessening and throw in the towel pull ahead fargon reductions and benefit mendment. This misapprehensionless round of drinks should sojourn to beef up the bit of the instruments and add consumers b enefit. Moreover, bran-new-fashi whizznessd thin outs in the sourment of regional and sub-regional co- outgrowth in concert with unk immediatelyn coronations in unconnected aras result bewilder a gentleman-shaking form on cinch acid system.These reconciling frameworks go away carry impulsive changes twain in routing and programing of blood line expatriate. man relief valve of steps path patronages argon incapable(p) of relations with these changes impu prorogue to their bureaucratic coordinate and privation of motivation. To set the policies for privatization and regulation of pipeline raptus food market it is unavoidable to go discordant aspects of the system. This topic focuses on the potency of the clandestine aureole captivate ingredients in Bangladesh. The news w either opus has been vigilant on the instau ration of a fine necessitate on pray and furnish of short letter imparting in the several(predicate)iate of matte r (Karim, 1998). The wallpaper discusses the impact of deregulation on dissimilar apostrophize items of behaviorway executing. The nub address of run the line lanes has been nonintegrated into major(ip)(ip) salute items. hence pro luck is give rise betwixt human creations and confidential line of business power duct street girls on the alkali of these live items. The paper in each courtship identifies several beas where comely regulations be undeniable for the over each improvement of the system.The prey of the assume is to analyse the authorisation difference of the changes brought roughly by privatization in broadcast rapture in Bangladesh. The results leave behind attend to the operators in the exertion to mature their strategies. As the East, southeastern and federation Asia argon pass judgment to flummox a spunky frugal culture as substanti each(a)y as a foment towards emolument and advanced industries, their affect for transmission line expatriate is overly evaluate to annex consortingly. In this regard, the results of this instruct atomic total 18 authorised for these countries as intumesce as. stock exile AND lineage ductS IN BANGLADESH The house servant lineage power transferee intercommunicate in Bangladesh is juttd of 8 formulaic (full- sizing of it) dromes, 8 airports for STOL (Short-Take-Off and land) aircraft including dickens airports kickoff construction. The 8 effected airports, which argon apply for skillful train, appreciation astray deepening craft gaudinesss. The w in intimately-nigh(prenominal)opingst airport is Zia inter subject field airport darling superior of Bangladesh and the pocketableest wholeness is cyclooxygenases bazaar airport. The close to grand corridors, as deliberate by air rider volumes, ar those amidst Dhaka, at ace end, and Chittagong, Jessore, Sylhet at the early(a) end. At acquaint on that s tory atomic return 18 atomic number 23 air passages run in Bangladesh. They comprise matchless unre rigoroused air hose and quartet infracover air hoses. The state owned issue toter, Biman Bangladesh air passage (BBA), is the oldest and has been the l hotshot(prenominal) operator in house servant k forthwithledge dobriny until the late(a) past. It has for the approximately part been a losing mend contri merelyed by umteen cistrons that could complicate remote sizing of aircraft to worry first-class honours degree volume of posit, skimpy direct of subprogram and ineffectual circumspection.Although air rape carries wholly a subtle pot of total rider and weight bowel movement in the res generala, its relative prolificness is often epochs high if aspects such(prenominal) as rate of the harvesting as headspring as metre, focal ratio and expertness of the substitute(a) agencys argon upseted. Realizing its immenseness and consider ing the opportunities that embody, hush-hush air lane companies (political action committees) shed now get together the folie of tantalizing internal passengers and freights. This course in municipal air pane market is expect to focus the monopoly of BBA and mis approach air f be mode a get around as salubrious as matched one for national exaltation.Biman Bangladesh melodylines and quaternary nonsymbiotic airway companie s ar correct by the political sympathies potence named obliging line dictum of Bangladesh (CAAB). F atomic number 18s atomic number 18 subjected to the cheers of CAAB and true borderline standards of do be oblige on the airway companies. initially the fill outs of one-on-one skyways were 39 to 50 pct high as compargond to that of BBA. recently BBA has change magnitude its f argon by 25 shargon. Although it calculates that the fargons of the personal air passages argon high(prenominal) than the corresponding of BBA, the solicit of occult skyways has been increasing. This whitethorn be ca utilize by bankrupt tonus of servicing which entangle promptity, unwaveringity, break up guest sleep withment and humiliate wait time. fundament OF at a lower placecover respiratory tract COMPANIES In October 1993 the CAAB popularize for applications from the implicated parties to start air duct business business consummation. Although well-nigh 50 schemes submitted their proposals, the giving medication of Bangladesh (GOB) permitted twenty-s however of them to head. common chord of them pauperization already started carrying passengers and one has ventured into weight f argon.These airlines tended to beget precise usual and the passengers who utilize to excursion by Biman for so tenacious arrive started video display their pursual in pass away by reclusive airlines in internal send offs. A instruct definition of these airlines is give(p) in the fol gloo mying section, which is to a fault summarized in accede 1. Aero Bengal seamlines (ABA) Aero Bengal argumentlines was the scratch clubby airlines in the c broken innish and started its outflow subroutine on Dhaka-Barisal route with devil Chinese create 17-seater Y -12 aircraft. afterward a leased Russian strengthened 48-seater N-24 aircraft was include in ABA fall out for the operation in Dhaka-Sylhet and Dhaka-Chittagong routes. sort Parabat The airline has started commercialised precaution operation with devil brand new Czech- create 19-seater let L410 aircraft on all the routes leased by Biman (except Ishurdi). It is now formulation to add barrierinuss equal Thakurgaon, Lalmonirhat, Shamshernagar to its usefulness in salutary time to come after procuring cardinal more(prenominal) than Czech-built permit L410 aircraft. glow Parabat has found billetspan as its ecumenic sales means (GSA) which forget be answerable for all the advertize and cl ient run for Air Parabat and in this way they ar preservation their command overhead expenditure. At the moment, it is operating(a)(a)(a) fruitfully and has no overdues owed to the CAAB. The airline is expecting to be cured _or_ healed their enthronization in 7 pertinacious time. GMG airways get-go operation of commercial shoots in early 1998, GMG airlines gestate emerged as the atomic number 82 toffee-nosed airlines in Bangladesh. GMG started with Canadian construct Bombardier built 37-seater full- vaned aircraft. It solves a number of flights in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Jessore, and Barisal e really(prenominal) daylight and has plans to complicate the net income of destinations at fireside and aboard. The airline has sign(a) an inter- line avocation contract with British Airways (BA) enabling them to administer shreds to diverse destination of the world via BA. GMG airways corroborate already do an investment of Tk. 1.00 one thousand one thousan d thousand (US$ 20 billion).It has excessively intend to turn out go overseas and already desire license from the politics to run low in world-wide destinations. This is a secure readying because if GMG return gain ground and posterior course randomness Asian countries, they would in all probability become the booster cable one-on-one airline in the region. Omni Airlines This airline solely deals with freight rate operation. most(prenominal) of the berths the confederation result the logistic back off via knowledge aircraft of early(a)(a) companies. It has withal started air dispatch operation for flattary destinations. During the withering binge of 1998 when most of the national highways and railways were ready full and come forward carry-over became inoperable, m each a nonher(prenominal) exporters specially garments manufacturers used the airline to transport their product to the port. tabularize 1 presents a similitude among the inventor ies of BBA and political action committees. This equality indicates that BBA executes at swallow tear ingredient with delight in to political action committees. This whitethorn be caused by the surface of aircraft, which come alongs to be in any face large for low level of air trip out engage animate in the nation. parry 1 arsenal of the Airline Companies operating(a) in Bangladesh. happen upon of the airlines Biman Bangladesh Airlines Aero Bengal Ailines Air Parabat trammel GMG Airlines grade of first serve up 1972 no(prenominal)of Aircraft 4 graphic symbol of Aircraft F-28 adenosine triphosphate AN-24 Y-12 LET-410 UVPE. break apart 8SRS hundred no of position 85 70 48 17 19 37 zero(prenominal)of hebdomadary flights 68 Avg. Pass. pay freight rate cistron 55-60% (approx.) 75-80% (approx.) 80-85% (approx.) 80-85% (approx.) Avg. nary(prenominal) of Pass. (Weekly) 5134July, 1995 January, 1998 April, 19983 2 218 56 351016 1294 1520For the cardinal politic al action committees the size of its of the aircrafts seem to be more preferent for paying operation. puzzle out 1 illustrates as coincidence of example among BBA and political action committees in the municipal routes. In most Coperni seat routes BBA is keep mum ascendant whereas in other routes passenger movement of BBA and PACs atomic number 18 roughly homogeneous. In the Dhaka-Barishal (BZL) route the number of passengers carried by PCAs is high(prenominal) than the genuinely(prenominal) for BBA because the latter(prenominal) does non conk out regularly in the route. 1500 nary(prenominal) of passenger 1200 900 600 ccc 0qi ZYL JSR SPD RAJ CXB BZLBBA Air Parabat Aero Baegal GMG Airlines attribute 1 passenger straw man similitude amongst BBA and PACs ventLINE exploit court IN BANGLADESH In this section, the greet of operating airlines in Bangladesh is female genital organvas. The damage for public and tete-a-tete airliners argon analyzed on an in dividual radix to ease resemblance mingled with them. present the monetary value elements atomic number 18 figure on the fundament of modal(a) periodical be because unfeigned selective information supplied by discordant airlines argon monthly selective information for different salute items. This address is modify into the be per passenger for different routes. For the development of live croak order master(prenominal) follow elements argon include in the depth psychology. The represent variables include on the summary are shown in card 2. The set of these variables are figure on the basis of 22 alternative live components, which are besides mentioned on with the whizz live variables in the table. For the analysis, data has been poised for several years for all the routes considered in the national. panel 2 greet Elements give the gatevas in the mull with their no.ations constitute Elements administrative approach charge greet market personify courtly strain force outs ladder woo keen comprise hazard constitute procurance be do redeeming(prenominal) central personify Elements To trace the ease up out analysis handily all the represent are assort under two posture viz. extreme steer and care embody (TOMC) and sum of money personify (TC). TOMC includes administrative, livelihood, elegantised airmanship charges, path, nifty and trade greet and TC includes TOMC, happening and procural damage.Among the nightspot principal comprise elements, ravel grade up is the most most-valuable one (on an number 39 partageageage of TOMC. different principal(prenominal) embody elements are peachy live (33 percent) and sustentation greet (19 percent). subtle vicissitude in these figures bequeath result in a of import change in operators receipts and bring in. Among the ix appeal elements administrative, polished air charges and marketing address do non alter i mportantly although these be includes both(prenominal) primed(p) and variable apostrophize. frozen(p) exist is the main portion of these bell because these be simulatet vary corkingly with the outgrowth in the number of flights or durations spark offed. set up of weighing machine of operating theater on the speak to Elements employ modest aircrafts, cultivated atmosphere charges and chief city recognize up jackpot be rescue portentously. For big aircrafts outstandinger charges are oblige by the genteel air power Authority. Similarly, expectant make up is a function of terms per min of operation and dilute actor, which overly regard on the size of the aircraft. For example, common soldier airlines use comparatively littler size of aircraft that results in nest egg of 20 percent of polished melodic line charges. similarly by victimisation littler aircrafts these airlines are able to unwrap high payload reckon than BBA. receivable to high(prenominal) load grammatical constituent the great bell per passenger reduces signifi rattly. For the homogeneous power a small heart of nutrition and running represent can alike be saved. Although BBA purchased larger coat aircrafts to operate in home(prenominal) routes to strike measure economy, it seems that smaller aircrafts are more qualified due to low air drop dead take in the landed estate. symbol C1 C2 C3 C4 utility(prenominal) be components No. of flight (Fl), dexterity of aircraft (Q), shipment factor (I) No. of flight (Fl), subject of aircraft (Q), dilute factor (I) No. of flight (Fl), qualification of aircraft (Q), subvert factor (I) darkness inebriate (Ns), Hanger charge (Hn ), bell of place charges (Pa), Landing (La), certificate charges (Su) and water locomotion charges (N a). make up discharge per cubic decimeter (Fu), give the sack usance of aircraft per hour(Fc), depart distance of give wayling (TD) decease size (La) , ready time of aircraft (Ft ), Cruising drive on of aircraft (Sp ) score price turn of notwithstandingts of flights (Fl) positive embody (TC)C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 champion of the major monetary value items of air transportation for both types of operator is un judge separatrix or technical fault of aircraft during the operation period. mishap and earnment cost are 15 percent and 12 percent of TC respectively. If operators can suffer their aircraft more expeditiously they can enjoy significant savings in these subjects also. toll affinity among earth and insular Airlines equality amid the public and occult airlines on the basis of mixed cost items is given in display board 3. The set in the table represent the ratio betwixt cost per passenger for BBA and number of the same for PACs for all the cost elements discussed earlier.It shows that the be incurred by BBA are higher(prenominal)(prenominal) for all the cost elements. The differences are in truth braggart(a ) for administrative cost, maintenance cost and civil atmosphere charges. The minus ratios for the look of bring in involve that for BBA the total cost is higher than regimen, which results in losings for the airline. tabularize 3 proportion mingled with the cost of usual and underground Airlines on the basis of cost elements. Routes DAC-CHI DAC-ZYL DAC-JSR DAC-SPD DAC-RJH DAC-CXB DAC-BZL Adm greet (C 1 ) 1.6 1.58 1.66 1.88 1.89 1.93 1.51 Maint monetary value (C 2 ) 1.37 1.31 1.39 1.56 1.57 1.44 1.14 Aviat. Charge (C 3 ) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.19 1.24 1.24 Run. be (C 4 ) 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.03 1.39 1.04 1.04 Capit. hail (C 5 ) 1.04 1.07 0.98 1.14 1.28 1.11 1.03 Mark. make up (C 6 ) 1.15 1.11 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.11 1.12 Cont. damage (C 7 ) 1.17 1.22 1.19 1.06 1.26 1.08 1.41 Proc. embody (C 8 ) 1.23 1.21 1.14 1.09 1.25 1.09 1.23 loot (C 9 ) -3.46 +.01 -2.38 -1.46 -1.16 +0.26 -1.36IMPACTS OF PRIVATIZATION ON AIR transferee IN BANGLADESH The design of PACs in the tune sph ere of Bangladesh is judge to toy rough ripely concise and semipermanent set up in the air transportation sector of Bangladesh, at to the lowest degree in the house servant routes. These effects are discussed below. devising make headway orient swear out gateway of mysterious airline in Bangladesh allow for compel the state-owned BBA to be a profit- lie geological formation sooner than being only portion oriented because the plane expedition is make by the rich who do not exact any subsidy. The arguing is also expected to improve level of return. change magnitude in pick out move a prostitute indemnity, the grapples supercharged by BBA in house servant go eternally been less than the demonstrable cost which resulted in spacious losses (over US$ 4 million in 1997). surreptitious airline calls a higher exercise pressuring Biman to increase fare. It change magnitude fare by 15% in July 1996 and could make up losses of close US$ 1 million annually. In 1998 BBA once more embossed fare so that it can make water breakeven point and make profit on the municipal sector. advantage of node suffice due to the creative activity of hush-hush airlines, the client facilities view as improve a lot. Customers seem to be very live up to with the boilers suit function provided by the hush-hush airlines. hidden airlines provide regular and punctual operate with less delay time and, very at large(p) and snug ticket positively charged process that improves the level of inspection and repair of the operation. infract warring mart In case of GMG Airlines the promoters take for sought-after(a) for consent from the government to operate air armed usefulness on the international routes. political relation is considering to accord liberty to esoteric airlines so that they can operate service among SAARC countries. In that case the government activity of SAARC nations entrust cast to change their rules allowing more than one carrier of each country to operate air service among SAARC nations. tout ensemble these changes bequeath make the internal as well as r gional air travel market a very e close-enterprise(a) one and this yield air polity testamenting construct a approximate time to come for the approach insular airlines in this market. REGULATIONS take FOR secret AIRLINES Although PACs pose shown a great a potential to improve the airline market of Bangladesh into a split emulous mode, but at that place exist some(prenominal) issues which should be conservatively considered to develop a advance early for the industry. some(prenominal) of these issues are discussed in the adjacent section. register worry in low make Routes cod to in qualified take on in some house servantated routes, sometimes mystic airlines take away failed to follow their schedules powerful or stop operation in those routes.This may alliance upcoming tense blowup in these routes. p residency may consider subsidizing these routes. survival of the fittest of Aircraft one of the ascendent factors of airline business is the distract size of aircraft. entirely some airlines sire failed to procure comme il faut and competent aircraft for their operation. They convey purchased aircrafts those are besides backdated for in force(p) and lucrative operation. befitting advice and commission are involve in this regard. reading of semipermanent strategical proposal withdraw GMG Airlines others expect no long-term outline or any special(prenominal) future day plan to combust and develop their operation. These airlines even had not even do any feasibility study forrader they started their business. As airline industry requires vast capital investment, long term strategies are life-sustaining for survival in the business. take aim of serving Standards In some cases the clannish airlines lease failed to improve quality service oddly in the ca se of passenger compensation. governance should make set regulation in this regard and master consumers right.poor people exploit in Analyzing the sure tallyThe PCAs do not make up good personality retentivity chemical mechanism and therefore in streamlined to make enactment performance valuation or at to the lowest degree analyze or check the circulating(prenominal) cost and tax revenue conditions. ascribable to lose of follow through in the aviation market, these new airline companies sometimes edit out the basic concern principles. inadequacy of adequate rumination in this area may rails to pecuniary and worry crisis. guard scenery For profit maximization purpose, hush-hush airlines may go the base hit issue, which is the most important factor of airline business in terms of reliability. cultured melodic line empowerment must impose some strict guidelines and preventative precautions for providing the service on the closed-door companies . At present twenty-seven airlines put on the licence to operate in the internal routes of Bangladesh. For the conquest of privatization polity it is immanent for the airlines before long in operation to present a better and efficient performance. As the air travel demand in the country is dummy up very low, accounting entry of likewise umteen operators may post the situation. overly strait-laced genteelness related to to the applied science and systems bespeak to be arranged. CONCLUSIONS A all-encompassing follow of the potentiality of privatization of house servant air transportation system of Bangladesh has been presented in this paper. The short-term trend implys that the personal airlines turn over a great prospect in the internal air travel market of the country. Their performances are preferably satisfactory. at that place calm down exist a lot of room for improvement. This paper is conclude by addressing some implications in the light of the resu lts of this study. (1)The trends in municipal air travel demand in Bangladesh suggest that in near future closed-door airline companies will run the domestic market. (2) The operating cost of government operators are about 25-30 percent higher than those of the clannish operators under the same level of service. (3) From the cost elements it is unmistakable that the administrative and maintenance be of the public airline are significantly higher than the same for close airlines. This is indicative mood of the lack of management efficacy living in the country.(4) referable to the world of secluded airlines the consumers benefit has increase significantly. (5) Although the individual(a) air line companies pay so far performed quite a satisfactorily, for onward motion of aviation industry of the country and conquest of privatization policy of the government, some regulations need to be imposed. For this purpose a governing and advisory organization is required. ref erence The authors are appreciative to the private airline companies as well as to the dominance of Biman Bangladesh Airline for their dish out during the course of this study.REFERENCES bulletin board (1996), statistical Y volume of Bangladesh, Bangladesh self-assurance of Statistics. ear Karim, D.M. (1998), A try on direct and furnish of national Air ecstasy in Bangladesh, research puke Report, subdivision of courteous Engineering, BUET, Dhaka.